Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is an ongoing medical condition that affects approximately 18 million Americans.  It is characterized by disturbed sleep patterns due to interrupted breathing periods through the night.  The periods last between 20-30 seconds each and can occur 25-40 times per night.  The person who is affected moves from periods of deep sleep to the edge of consciousness as the breathing pauses or becomes very shallow.

The condition is random and many only occur a few nights a week.  It is often reported that after a sleep apnea attack the person makes a loud choking sound or a snort after returning to normal sleeping and breathing patterns.

The end result of this series of events is the person gets poor quality of sleep.  This can lead to them to being tired all day, not able to concentrate, and irritable. This is not a normal condition that will alleviate itself with time.  Sleep Apnea is dangerous and can lead to serious health complications and in some cases may even be fatal.

In many cases the diagnosis of sleep apnea is never made due to the fact that the person affected often has no memory of the event which takes place over the course of the night.  Most people learn about their condition from their bed partner or roommates and talk to their doctor from that point.

It has been noted that about half of those afflicted with sleep Apnea are overweight and that the problem does appear to be prevalent in men more than women.  It is known that about 18 million Americans have been diagnosed or are suspected to have sleep apnea but no global study has yet to be completed.  It is estimated that the amount of sufferers worldwide is much, much greater.

Race appears to also be a factor is the risk of developing sleep apnea.  African Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders/Hawaiians, and Native Alaskans seem to be more prone to the condition than those of Asian and Caucasian racial groups.

There are mainly two types of sleep apnea but the most common type is obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition characterized by the collapsing or closing of the airway during sleep subsequently leading to a reduction in breath entering the lungs.  A symptom of this condition is loud snoring which is cause by air trying to squeeze past the blockage.  This type of sleep apnea is most often manifested by overweight people, but it is possible that it can affect anyone.

Another form is Central Sleep Apnea, which is much less common and is caused by a malfunction of the brain.  Signals which are sent to the mouth to control muscles of the airway are misinterpreted and the normal breathing sequence gets out of whack.

CPAP equipment therapy is the most popular available treatment and have shown to help improve overall health and quality if sleep. Other options besides CPAP equipment therapy exist, such as dental devices or surgery.  It is a good idea for you to have a talk with your doctor to see what is best for your particular situation. SoClean CPAP will be a good choice for sure. 

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